Carbon copy cloner osx
Carbon copy cloner osx

carbon copy cloner osx carbon copy cloner osx

However, the above command shows that the number of PPC-only files that would be merged into the Intel-System is around 53000 (!!!). The plan was to remove the '-dry-run' part of the above command to copy all missing files into the Intel-OS X to make it universal (without overwriting anything that is already there). Sudo rsync -dry-run -ignore-existing -extended-attributes -verbose -archive -max-delete=0 /Volumes/LaCie PPC/ / > rsync.log Also make all updates (10.4.10).ģ) Hook external FireWire drive onto MacBook Pro.Ĥ) Find out what files are in the PPC-OS X installation that are not in the Intel-OS X installation:


So this is what I did:ġ) Install Intel-OS X on MacBook Pro and make all updates (10.4.10).Ģ) Install PPC-OS X on external FireWire drive (I could have also done this onto the internal PPC disk, but I still need what is there at the moment).

carbon copy cloner osx

:-)Īs the MacBook is my production system, I wanted to know what files are actually merged into the Intel System to make it (supposingly) universal. The PowerBook is now replaced by a MacBook Pro, and I wanted to make the system (and backup) a Universal OS X as described above, so that in case the MacBook Pro dies, I can as a backup still use the PowerBook (booting from the external backup drive). So in case the internal disk dies, I can boot off of the external disk and continue. My backup system involves mirroring the entire disk of my PowerBook G4 from time-to-time onto an external FireWire disk (Apple Partition Tabel format) using Carbon Copy Cloner, and daily backups (with history) using the fabulous rsnapshotx. # Find out why it failed on the PPC machine. dies a fiery death when Finder attempts to load. # Boot from PPCMac on Intel machine via firewire.


# Hook PPC Mac to MacBook via target disk mode


# Download Carbon Copy Cloner from xserve as itsadmin (not domain account) # Format 15' PowerBook G4 (PPC) with two HFS+ partitions, Macintosh HD and PPCMac, and do a fresh install with: # Download Carbon Copy Cloner from xserver as itsadmin (not domain account) # Name: ITS Mac Admin username: itsmacadmin # Primary Use: College Description: Other # Register with: University Helpdesk phone number # Format MacBook Pro (Intel) with two HFS+ partitions, Macintosh HD and INTELMac, and do a fresh install with: To Build a Universal Mac Image (Intel/PPC) Perhaps I did something wrong, but it seems that I might hold off on this for Leopard and just bite the bullet unless there was a step above that I missed below is my process (in Wiki form )) I used a 15' G4 PowerBook and a MacBook Pro on this and at the end the PPC laptop booted, but could not load the Finder correctly. (not to mention IR & BT ports to be able to 'tunnel' in support for RemoteControl/FrontRow, but that's another story -) while we are at it, a SATA & ethernet/NAS port would make great sense as well! It would be so sweet to see 'mobile' dvd & 2.5' harddrives come with both ports (usb2 fw400 & fw800). Of cousrse we all know (but cant fathom) why apple dropped support for usb booting on ppc macs (avail in classic but not in osx) so that leaves fw as the only way to boot macs x-platform.īut the penalty for this arbitrary limitation on boot interfaces is that a precious fw port is consumed on the host machine - which are in short supply on new macs (part of apple's bizzare campaign to destory the viability of fw - eg on ipods) and fw is not widely avail on pc's, so one is sort of stranded (or saddles with extra gizzmos) if one picks a fw-only boot solution. The oems force you to choose between only fw or only usb! This is a great workaround for a universal system until apple fixes this in leopard (and so many other tiger gotchas).īut one note of frustration regarding the boot drive - unless one is willing to have a bulky 3.5' device to lug around, a 'mobile' a formfactor is the most practical approach.īut for some silly reason, none of the 'mobile' devices (2.5' winchester & slim dvd burners) are not avail with combo (usb/fw) interfaces.

Carbon copy cloner osx